Belikeshire White Grey Marble

Belikeshire White Grey Marble

"Belikeshire White Grey Marble" is Belikeshire White with extra grey veins. Belikeshire White also konwn as "Marmara Equator marble" is very unique natural stone. It features throughout linear veining of white and grey colour tones. It is quarried in Turkey. Those quarries are Turkey\’s oldest and deepest marble quarries, for instance. Even though it has similar strip structure there is a quality difference between blocks. Above all, SpaceStone recommends to consider following two elements to find 1st class marble selection: Smoothness of successive gray veins Clearness between the veins The fluctuations of the veins in the plaques decreases quality of the marble. We always choose A class marble selection for villa, hotel, business centre, hospital and other public projects.Prime Exports is renowned granite & marble suppliers offers it in multiple finishes.

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